changeset 2570:82e2c5bd9a7d

examples/poshax3/: added and two X2 examples. Added a poshax automation code which interfaces with CEA and poshax to produce an equilibrium inflow, do the shock relaxation calculations, and then compare to the CEA equilibrium result. I also added two X2 examples for a theoretical condition with a longer shock relaxation which we are considering. One using a Gupta et al single temperature model, and the other uses the Park 93 two temperature model. Also a added a basic makefile that just copies to e3bin.
author Chris James <>
date Fri, 27 Apr 2018 18:00:21 +1000
parents 821c44f2393e
children ecb75d215d5f
files examples/poshax3/poshax_python/Makefile examples/poshax3/poshax_python/ examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_1T_example/ examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_1T_example/gupta_etal_air_reactions.lua examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_2T_example/Park93-s03-PEIIC.lua examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_2T_example/air-VT-ET-ER.lua examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_2T_example/
diffstat 7 files changed, 1228 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/poshax3/poshax_python/Makefile	Fri Apr 27 18:00:21 2018 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# makefile for poshax python, just copies the poshax_python file, basically.
+# this is based on the pitot one, which was based on the nenzfr one
+# (so props to whoever did that)
+# Chris James ( - 21-Apr-2014
+INSTALL_DIR ?= $(HOME)/e3bin
+install : $(INSTALL_DIR)
+	@echo Copying to the install directory $(INSTALL_DIR)
+	- cp -f $(INSTALL_DIR)
+	mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/poshax3/poshax_python/	Fri Apr 27 18:00:21 2018 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+This is a Python program to interface with Dan Potter's shock
+relaxation code poshax.
+I wrote this for people in the expansion tube laboratory to use
+as the elevated temperature in the freestream conditions proposed
+by the expansion tubes often required a bit of messing around to
+run CEA manually and then get those equilibrium mass fractions
+into poshax. It made messing almost impossible for us.
+This code takes the inflow pressure, temperature, and velocity or Mach number,
+and starting composition, as well as the information required for poshax,
+runs CEA to get an equilibrium inflow, generates the poshax gas file
+and cfg file, runs poshax, and then plots the results along with
+comparison to the CEA equilibrium post shock condition.
+Examples generally assume that this program has been placed in the e3bin folder,
+and obviously, poshax needs to be installed.
+Chris James ( - 25/04/18
+import sys, os, math, shutil, subprocess, copy
+sys.path.append(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/e3bin")) # installation directory
+sys.path.append("") # so that we can find user's scripts in current directory
+# We base our calculation of gas properties upon calls to the NASA Glenn CEA code.
+from cfpylib.gasdyn.cea2_gas import Gas
+from cfpylib.gasdyn.gas_flow import normal_shock
+VERSION_STRING = '27-Apr-2018'
+def poshax_python(p_inf, T_inf, reactants, inputUnits,
+                  species_list, no_of_temperatures,
+                  reaction_file, outputUnits = 'massf', u_inf = None, M_inf = None, energy_exchange_file = None,
+                  gas_model_file = 'gas_model', cfg_file = 'cfg_file.cfg', output_file = '',
+                  source_term_coupling = 'loose', dx = 1.0e-16, adaptive_dx = 'false',
+                  final_x = 5.0e-3, plot = True, save_figures = True,
+                  temp_result_fig_name = 'temp_result', species_result_fig_name = 'species_result',
+                  freestream_normalised_result_fig_name = 'freestream_normalised_result',
+                  eq_normalised_result_fig_name = 'equilibrium_normalised_result',
+                  title = None, log_x_axis = False, plot_x_limits = None):
+    """
+    :param p_inf: Freestream pressure (Pa)
+    :param T_inf: Freestream temperature (K)
+    :param reactants: Reactants dictionary which will be sent to cfypylib's cea2 Gas object.
+        So it must conform with the required syntax!! an example is {'N2':0.79,'O2':0.21}
+        for 'cfd air' specified by moles, but check the cea2_gas info for more info about
+        the required format. inputUnits for this dictionary can be either in 'moles' or 'massf'
+        with the standard specified in the next input
+    :param inputUnits: inputUnits string to be again set to the cea2 Gas object. Should be either
+        'moles' or 'massf'
+    :param species_list: Species list for POSHAX!! NOT CEA!! so ions and electons will be N2_plus, e_minus
+        This data will be parsed to cea as the input state will only use these species, but the code
+        will automatically perform the conversion need to send this list to CEA. This list is for
+        sending to the program whcih creates the gas file for poshax
+    :param no_of_temperatures: Number of temperatures. Integer input of 1,2, or 3. More than one
+        temperature models require the specification of an energy exchange .lua file. (See below.)
+    :param reaction_file: String pointing to the location of the reaction scheme.
+    :param u_inf: Freestream velocity (m/s). Defaults to None, but either u_inf or M_inf must be specified.
+    :param M_inf: Freestream Mach number. Defaults to None, but either u_inf or M_inf must be specified.
+    :param energy_exchange_file: String pointing to the location of the energy exchange scheme for
+        multi temperature models. Defaults to None, but the code will not run with a multi temperature
+        model if this file is not found.
+    :param gas_model_file: String name of the gas model file which the code will create as a .inp
+        file which the program gasfile uses to make the .lua gasfile for poshax. Defaults to 'gas_model'.
+    :param cfg_file: String name of the poshax cfg file. Defaults to 'cfg_file.cfg'.
+    :param output_file: String name of the poshax output file. Defaults to ''.
+    :param source_term_coupling: poshax source term coupling file. Defaults to 'loose'.
+    :param dx: poshax dx (in m) defaults to 1.0e-16 m.
+    :param adaptive_dx: Whether to use adaptive_dx with poshax. Defaults to 'true'.
+    :param final_x: poshax final x value (in m). Defaults to 5.0e-3.
+    :param plot: Whether to plot the result or not. Defaults to True. Will make four plots.
+        A temperature plot, mass fraction plot of all species, result normalised by freestream values,
+        and a result normalised by equilibrium values.
+    :param save_figures: Whether to save figures or not. Defaults to True. results are saved in eps, png,
+        and pdf formats.
+    :param temp_result_fig_name: Temperature result plot file name. Defaults to 'temp_result'.
+    :param species_result_fig_name: Species result plot file name. Defaults to 'species_result'.
+    :param freestream_normalised_result_fig_name: Freestream normalised results plot file name.
+        Defaults to 'freestream_normalised_result'.
+    :param eq_normalised_result_fig_name: Equilibrium normalised results plot file name.
+        Defaults to 'equilibrium_normalised_result'.
+    :param title: allows a title to be added to the plots. Defaults to None.
+        Is a single title so, for example, the condition being simulated can be added to the title.
+    :param log_x_axis: Plots the figure with the x axis on a log scale. Defaults to False.
+plot_x_limits = None
+    :return: Returns a Python dictionary version of the poshax results file.
+    """
+    print '-'*60
+    print "Running poshax python version {0}".format(VERSION_STRING)
+    # do any input checking which is required
+    # probably don't need to do everything in the world here,
+    # but just some important things...
+    # probably want to check that p, T, and u values,
+    if not isinstance(p_inf, (float, int)):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'p_inf' input ({0}) is not a float or an int.".format(p_inf)
+    if not isinstance(T_inf, (float, int)):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'T_inf' input ({0}) is not a float or an int.".format(T_inf)
+    if not u_inf and not M_inf:
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): Simulation must have either a 'u_inf' or 'M_inf' value."
+    if u_inf and M_inf:
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): Simulation cannot have have both a 'u_inf' and an 'M_inf' value."
+    if u_inf and not isinstance(u_inf, (float, int)):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'u_inf' input ({0}) is not a float or an int.".format(u_inf)
+    if M_inf and not isinstance(M_inf, (float, int)):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'M_inf' input ({0}) is not a float or an int.".format(M_inf)
+    if not isinstance(reactants, dict):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'reactants' input ({0}) is not a dictionary.".format(reactants)
+    if inputUnits not in ['moles', 'massf']:
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'inputUits' input ({0}) is not either 'moles' or 'massf'.".format(inputUnits)
+    if not isinstance(reaction_file, str):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'reaction_file' input ({0}) is not a string.".format(reaction_file)
+    if not os.path.exists(reaction_file):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'reaction_file' input ({0}) does not appear to exist in the specified location.".format(reaction_file)
+    if no_of_temperatures > 1 and not energy_exchange_file:
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): Multi temperature model has been specified without an energy exchange file."
+    if no_of_temperatures > 1:
+        if not isinstance(energy_exchange_file, str):
+            raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'energy_exchange_file:' input ({0}) is not a string.".format(energy_exchange_file)
+        if not os.path.exists(energy_exchange_file):
+            raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'reaction_file' input ({0}) does not appear to exist in the specified location.".format(energy_exchange_file)
+    if not isinstance(dx, float):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'dx' input ({0}) is not a float.".format(dx)
+    if not isinstance(final_x, float):
+        raise Exception, "poshax_python(): 'final_x' input ({0}) is not a float.".format(final_x)
+    print '-'*60
+    print "User specified input values are:"
+    if no_of_temperatures == 1:
+        model = "thermally perfect gas"
+    elif no_of_temperatures == 2:
+        model = "two temperature gas"
+    elif no_of_temperatures == 3:
+        model = "three temperature gas"
+    print "Gas state input settings:"
+    print "p_inf = {0} Pa, T_inf = {1} K, u_inf = {2} m/s".format(p_inf, T_inf, u_inf)
+    print "Reactants for start of CEA inflow calculation are:"
+    print '{0} (by {1})'.format(reactants, inputUnits)
+    print "Species in the calculation are:"
+    print species_list
+    print "Note: the CEA equilibrium inflow calculation will use only these species."
+    print "This means that the inflow may be unrealistic if the species do not match "
+    print "the real state of the gas at the user specified temperature and pressure"
+    print '-'*60
+    print "poshax settings:"
+    print "dx = {0} m, final_x = {1} m ({2} mm), with adaptive_dx set to {3}".format(dx, final_x,
+                                                                                     final_x*1000,
+                                                                                     adaptive_dx)
+    print "calculation uses a {0} model, with {1} source term coupling.".format(model, source_term_coupling)
+    print "Reaction scheme file is {0}".format(reaction_file)
+    if no_of_temperatures > 1:
+        print "Energy exchange file is {0}.".format(energy_exchange_file)
+    print "Gas model file to be created will be called {0}.lua.".format(gas_model_file)
+    print "poshax input file to be created will be called {0}.".format(cfg_file)
+    print "poshax output / results file to be created will be called {0}".format(output_file)
+    # as cea wants a slightly different form from poshax...
+    species_list_for_cea = []
+    for species in species_list:
+        if '_plus' in species:
+            # copy the original species here so we don't mess with the old one!!
+            species_copy = copy.copy(species)
+            species_list_for_cea.append(species_copy.replace('_plus', '+'))
+        elif '_minus' in species:
+            # copy the original species here so we don't mess with the old one!!
+            species_copy = copy.copy(species)
+            species_list_for_cea.append(species_copy.replace('_minus', '-'))
+        else:
+            # just append the value...
+            species_list_for_cea.append(species)
+    print '-'*60
+    print "Creating user specified equilibrium gas inflow using CEA:"
+    # get mass fractions from CEA as poshax needs massf inflow
+    state1 = Gas(reactants = reactants, with_ions = True,
+                 inputUnits = inputUnits, outputUnits=outputUnits,
+                 onlyList=species_list_for_cea)
+    state1.set_pT(p_inf, T_inf) #Pa, K
+    # print state to the screen...
+    state1.write_state(sys.stdout)
+    print '-'*60
+    print "Preparing the gas .inp file from user specifications..."
+    with open('{0}.inp'.format(gas_model_file), 'w') as gas_file:
+        gas_file.write('model = "{0}"'.format(model) + '\n')
+        species_line = 'species = {'
+        for species in species_list:
+            if species != species_list[-1]:
+                species_line += "'{0}', ".format(species)
+            else:
+                species_line += "'{0}'".format(species)
+        # now add the end bracket...
+        species_line += '}'
+        gas_file.write(species_line + '\n')
+        gas_file.close()
+    print "Running gasfile program to generate .lua gasfile."
+    subprocess.check_call(["gasfile", "{0}.inp".format(gas_model_file), "{0}.lua".format(gas_model_file)])
+    print "Gas file prepared successfully."
+    # now we need to build the .cfg file...
+    print '-'*60
+    print "Building poshax .cfg file from user specifications"
+    with open(cfg_file, 'w') as cfg_file_ojbect:
+        # add in all of the controls...
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('[controls]' + '\n')
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('source_term_coupling = {0}'.format(source_term_coupling) + '\n')
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('dx = {0}'.format(dx) + '\n')
+        if adaptive_dx: # remember that a value of 'false' would still be a string...
+            cfg_file_ojbect.write('adaptive_dx = {0}'.format(adaptive_dx) + '\n')
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('final_x = {0}'.format(final_x) + '\n')
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('output_file = {0}'.format(output_file ) + '\n')
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('species_output = {0}'.format(outputUnits) + '\n')
+        # the models...
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('[models]' + '\n')
+        # a version of this without the .lua was defined above...
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('gas_model_file = {0}.lua'.format(gas_model_file) + '\n')
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('reaction_file = {0}'.format(reaction_file ) + '\n')
+        if no_of_temperatures > 1:
+            cfg_file_ojbect.write('energy_exchange_file = {0}'.format(energy_exchange_file) + '\n')
+        # initial conditions...
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('[initial-conditions]' + '\n')
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write('p_inf = {0}'.format(p_inf) + '\n')
+        if no_of_temperatures == 1:
+            cfg_file_ojbect.write('T_inf = {0}'.format(T_inf) + '\n')
+        elif no_of_temperatures == 2:
+            cfg_file_ojbect.write('T_inf = {0}, {0}'.format(T_inf) + '\n')
+        elif no_of_temperatures == 3:
+            cfg_file_ojbect.write('T_inf = {0}, {0}, {0}'.format(T_inf) + '\n')
+        if u_inf:
+            cfg_file_ojbect.write('u_inf = {0}'.format(u_inf) + '\n')
+        if M_inf:
+            cfg_file_ojbect.write('M_inf = {0}'.format(M_inf) + '\n')
+        # now go through species and we'll make a species line
+        if outputUnits == 'moles':
+            species_line = 'molef_inf = '
+        elif outputUnits == 'massf':
+            species_line = 'massf_inf = '
+        for species in species_list:
+            if species in state1.species:
+                if species != species_list[-1]:
+                    species_line += '{0}, '.format(state1.species[species])
+                else:
+                    species_line += '{0}'.format(state1.species[species])
+            else:
+                if species != species_list[-1]:
+                    species_line += '0.0, '
+                else:
+                    species_line += '0.0'
+        cfg_file_ojbect.write(species_line + '\n')
+        cfg_file_ojbect.close()
+    print "Cfg file building successfully"
+    print '-'*60
+    print "Now running poshax program..."
+    exit_code = subprocess.check_call(["poshax3.x", cfg_file])
+    if exit_code == 0:
+        print "poshax ran successfully"
+    else:
+        print "poshax appears to have had some issues. check your inputs!"
+    print '-'*60
+    print "Performing equilibrium normal shock calculation to compare with poshax result."
+    state2 = state1.clone()
+    if not u_inf:
+        u_inf = M_inf*state1.a
+    V2, V2g = normal_shock(state1, u_inf, state2)
+    print "Post-shock equilibrium state is :"
+    print "post-shock velocity = {0} m/s".format(V2)
+    state2.write_state(sys.stdout)
+    if plot:
+        print '-'*60
+        print "Now plotting the result"
+        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+        import numpy as np
+        no_of_species = len(species_list)
+        species_start_line = 6 + no_of_temperatures # 2 intro lines, x, p, rho, u
+        lines_to_skip = 6 + no_of_temperatures + no_of_species # 2 intro lines, x, p, rho, u
+        # I wanted to call my variable output_file (I nromally called the string output_filename)
+        # but wanred to try to keep my variables consistent with poshax... so now I have results_file!
+        with open(output_file,"r") as results_file:
+            results_dict = {}
+            columns = []
+            output_species_list = []
+            # start by grabbing columns names which wek now
+            columns.append('x')
+            if no_of_temperatures == 1:
+                T_list = ['T']
+            elif no_of_temperatures == 2:
+                T_list = ['T_trans_rotational', 'T_vibrational_electronic']
+            elif no_of_temperatures == 3:
+                T_list = ['T_trans_rotational', 'T_vibrational_electronic', 'T_electron']
+            columns += T_list
+            columns += ['p', 'rho', 'u']
+            # we'll get the rest of the columns from species...
+            for i, row in enumerate(results_file):
+                if i >= species_start_line and i < lines_to_skip:
+                    # we could just get the species here, but good to keep it this way
+                    # so we can abstract the plotting into a function in the future...
+                    # (i.e. so it could run with no knowledge of the species beforehand, just the number of them...
+                    # here we want to split the line about the '-' so we can get the final value
+                    # need to use .strip() to get rid of the new line character on teh end too...
+                    split_row = row.strip().split('-')
+                    # last should be what we want...
+                    columns.append(split_row[-1])
+                    output_species_list.append(split_row[-1])
+                elif i >= lines_to_skip: # to skip the header and know when the data starts...
+                    if i == lines_to_skip:
+                        # we need to add our columns to the dictionary!
+                        for column in columns:
+                            results_dict[column] = []
+                    # now we start filling in data...
+                    split_row = row.split()
+                    # go through the split row and fill the data away in the right columns..
+                    for column, value in zip(columns, split_row):
+                        results_dict[column].append(float(value))
+        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # temp plot
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+        x_list = np.array(results_dict['x']) * 1000.0 # convert to mm
+        for T in T_list:
+            ax.plot(x_list, results_dict[T], label = T)
+        # add eq temp from CEA...
+        ax.plot([x_list[0], x_list[-1]], [state2.T, state2.T], label = 'eq T from CEA')
+        ax.set_xlabel('post-shock distance (mm)')
+        ax.set_ylabel('temperature (K)')
+        if log_x_axis:
+            ax.set_xscale('log')
+        if plot_x_limits:
+            ax.set_xlim(plot_x_limits)
+        plt.legend(loc = 'best')
+        if title:
+            plt.title(title)
+        if save_figures:
+            plt.savefig(temp_result_fig_name + '.png', dpi = 300)
+            plt.savefig(temp_result_fig_name + '.eps', dpi = 300)
+            plt.savefig(temp_result_fig_name + '.pdf', dpi = 300)
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # now do massf plot
+        species_fig, species_ax = plt.subplots()
+        for i, species in enumerate(output_species_list):
+            # use solid lines if we are line 7 or less
+            # change over for lines past this
+            # this gives maximum 12 species, I guess, before overlap
+            # works with earlier version of matplotlib will only 7 colours too..
+            if i < 7:
+                linestyle = '-'
+            else:
+                linestyle = '--'
+            # change the _plus or _minus to + or - here to make the labels nicer...
+            if '_plus' in species:
+                species_label = species.replace('_plus', '+')
+            elif '_minus' in species:
+                species_label = species.replace('_minus', '-')
+            else:
+                species_label = species
+            species_ax.plot(x_list, results_dict[species], linestyle = linestyle, label = species_label)
+        species_ax.set_xlabel('post-shock distance (mm)')
+        if outputUnits == 'moles':
+            species_ax.set_ylabel('moles per original mole')
+        elif outputUnits == 'massf':
+            species_ax.set_ylabel('mass fraction of species')
+        if log_x_axis:
+            species_ax.set_xscale('log')
+        if plot_x_limits:
+            species_ax.set_xlim(plot_x_limits)
+        plt.legend(loc = 'best')
+        if title:
+            plt.title(title)
+        if save_figures:
+            plt.savefig(species_result_fig_name + '.png', dpi = 300)
+            plt.savefig(species_result_fig_name + '.eps', dpi = 300)
+            plt.savefig(species_result_fig_name + '.pdf', dpi = 300)
+        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # now do the freestream normalised plot
+        freestream_normalised_fig, freestream_normalised_ax = plt.subplots()
+        for T in T_list:
+            freestream_normalised_ax.plot(x_list, np.array(results_dict[T])/T_inf, label = T)
+        # now do p, rho, and u
+        # I commented out pressure here as it changes by too much and messes with the plot
+        #freestream_normalised_ax.plot(x_list, np.array(results_dict['p'])/p_inf, label = 'p')
+        # have to get rho from state 1 as we didn't need to specify it for inflow calculation...
+        freestream_normalised_ax.plot(x_list, np.array(results_dict['rho'])/state1.rho, label = 'rho')
+        freestream_normalised_ax.plot(x_list, np.array(results_dict['u'])/u_inf, label = 'u')
+        # add eq values from CEA
+        freestream_normalised_ax.plot([x_list[0], x_list[-1]], [state2.T/T_inf, state2.T/T_inf], label = 'eq T from CEA')
+        freestream_normalised_ax.plot([x_list[0], x_list[-1]], [state2.rho/state1.rho, state2.rho/state1.rho], label = 'eq rho from CEA')
+        freestream_normalised_ax.plot([x_list[0], x_list[-1]], [V2/u_inf, V2/u_inf], label = 'eq u from CEA')
+        freestream_normalised_ax.set_xlabel('post-shock distance (mm)')
+        freestream_normalised_ax.set_ylabel('quantity normalised by freestream value')
+        if log_x_axis:
+            freestream_normalised_ax.set_xscale('log')
+        if plot_x_limits:
+            freestream_normalised_ax.set_xlim(plot_x_limits)
+        plt.legend(loc = 'best')
+        if title:
+            plt.title(title)
+        if save_figures:
+            plt.savefig(freestream_normalised_result_fig_name + '.png', dpi = 300)
+            plt.savefig(freestream_normalised_result_fig_name + '.eps', dpi = 300)
+            plt.savefig(freestream_normalised_result_fig_name + '.pdf', dpi = 300)
+        #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # now do the equilibrium normalised plot
+        eq_normalised_fig, eq_normalised_ax = plt.subplots()
+        for T in T_list:
+            eq_normalised_ax.plot(x_list, np.array(results_dict[T])/state2.T, label = T)
+        # now do p, rho, and u
+        eq_normalised_ax.plot(x_list, np.array(results_dict['p'])/state2.p, label = 'p')
+        eq_normalised_ax.plot(x_list, np.array(results_dict['rho'])/state2.rho, label = 'rho')
+        eq_normalised_ax.plot(x_list, np.array(results_dict['u'])/V2, label = 'u')
+        eq_normalised_ax.set_xlabel('post-shock distance (mm)')
+        eq_normalised_ax.set_ylabel('quantity normalised by equilibrium value from CEA')
+        if log_x_axis:
+            eq_normalised_ax.set_xscale('log')
+        if plot_x_limits:
+            eq_normalised_ax.set_xlim(plot_x_limits)
+        plt.legend(loc = 'best')
+        if title:
+            plt.title(title)
+        if save_figures:
+            plt.savefig(eq_normalised_result_fig_name + '.png', dpi = 300)
+            plt.savefig(eq_normalised_result_fig_name + '.eps', dpi = 300)
+            plt.savefig(eq_normalised_result_fig_name + '.pdf', dpi = 300)
+    return results_dict
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    # This is Rowan's Air Mach12-3 single temperature example...
+    title = 'Air Mach 12.28'
+    p_inf = 133.322  # Pa
+    T_inf = 300.0  # K
+    M_inf = 12.28
+    reactants = {'N2': 0.79, 'O2': 0.21}  # reactant dict for cea calc
+    inputUnits = 'moles'  # for cea
+    outputUnits = 'moles' # for poshax output
+    species_list = ['O2', 'N2', 'NO', 'O', 'N', 'NO+', 'e-']
+    no_of_temperatures = 1
+    # name of the .inp gas file which we will make...
+    # and the .lua gas file which the gasfile program will make
+    # don't add the .lua here as we have two different files to deal with here
+    gas_model_file = 'air-model'
+    # these are both lua files so add the .lua
+    # reaction file is always needed
+    reaction_file = 'gupta_etal_with_Keq.lua'
+    # energy exchange file is only needed for multiple temperatures
+    energy_exchange_file = None
+    # cfg file is the file whcih we'll send to poshax to run the simulation
+    cfg_file = 'cfg_file.cfg'
+    # output_file is the result table with distance from the shock
+    output_file = ''
+    # simulation values for poshax
+    source_term_coupling = 'loose'
+    dx = 1.0e-10
+    adaptive_dx = None
+    final_x = 30.0e-2
+    plot = True
+    save_figures = True
+    poshax_python(p_inf = p_inf, T_inf = T_inf, M_inf = M_inf,
+                  reactants = reactants, inputUnits = inputUnits, outputUnits = outputUnits,
+                  species_list = species_list, no_of_temperatures = no_of_temperatures,
+                  reaction_file = reaction_file, energy_exchange_file = energy_exchange_file,
+                  gas_model_file = gas_model_file, cfg_file = cfg_file,
+                  source_term_coupling = source_term_coupling, dx = dx, adaptive_dx = adaptive_dx,
+                  final_x = final_x, plot = plot, save_figures = save_figures, title = title,
+                  log_x_axis = True, plot_x_limits= [0.01,100])
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_1T_example/	Fri Apr 27 18:00:21 2018 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+This is a one temperature air example for the poshax_python program
+using some proposed X2 conditions.
+A two temperature version of this example is also available.
+Chris James ( - 27/04/18
+import sys, os, math
+sys.path.append(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/e3bin")) # installation directory
+sys.path.append("") # so that we can find user's scripts in current directory
+from poshax_python import poshax_python
+# these are freestream / nozzle exit conditions for a proposed X2 expansion tube condition
+# where we were trying to achieve a longer post shock relaxation condition
+title = "Steve Apirana's random condition" # title for the plots
+p_inf = 147.72 # Pa
+T_inf = 2242.5 # K
+u_inf = 9690.6 # m/s
+reactants = {'N2': 0.79, 'O2': 0.21}  # reactant dict for cea calc
+inputUnits = 'moles'  # for cea
+outputUnits = 'massf' # for poshax output...
+species_list = ['N2', 'N2_plus', 'NO', 'NO_plus', 'O2', 'O2_plus', 'N', 'N_plus', 'O', 'O_plus', 'e_minus']
+no_of_temperatures = 1
+# name of the .inp gas file which we will make...
+# and the .lua gas file which the gasfile program will make
+# don't add the .lua here as we have two different files to deal with here
+gas_model_file = 'air-11sp-1T'
+# these are both lua files so add the .lua
+# reaction file is always needed
+reaction_file = 'gupta_etal_air_reactions.lua'
+# energy exchange file is only needed for multiple temperatures
+energy_exchange_file = None
+# cfg file is the file whcih we'll send to poshax to run the simulation
+cfg_file = 'cfg_file.cfg'
+# output_file is the result table with distance from the shock
+output_file = ''
+# simulation values for poshax
+source_term_coupling = 'loose'
+dx = 1.0e-16
+adaptive_dx = 'true'
+final_x = 5.0e-3
+plot = True
+save_figures = True
+log_x_axis = False
+plot_x_limits= [0.0,final_x*1.0e3] # mm
+poshax_python(p_inf=p_inf, T_inf=T_inf, u_inf=u_inf,
+              reactants=reactants, inputUnits=inputUnits, outputUnits=outputUnits,
+              species_list=species_list, no_of_temperatures=no_of_temperatures,
+              reaction_file=reaction_file, energy_exchange_file=energy_exchange_file,
+              gas_model_file=gas_model_file, cfg_file=cfg_file, output_file = output_file,
+              source_term_coupling=source_term_coupling, dx=dx, adaptive_dx=adaptive_dx,
+              final_x=final_x, plot=plot, save_figures=save_figures, title=title,
+              log_x_axis=log_x_axis, plot_x_limits=plot_x_limits)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_1T_example/gupta_etal_air_reactions.lua	Fri Apr 27 18:00:21 2018 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+-- Gupta_etal_air_reactions.lua
+-- This chemical kinetic system provides
+-- a full 20 reaction scheme for air.
+-- Reference:
+-- ---------
+-- Gupta, R.N., Yos, J.M., Thompson, R.A. and Lee, K.-P. (1990)
+-- A Review of Reaction Rates and Thermodynamic and Transport
+-- Properties for an 11-Species Air Model for Chemical and
+-- Thermal Nonequilibrium Calculations to 30 000 K.
+-- NASA Reference Publication 1232
+-- Author: Fabian Zander
+-- Date: 12-Mar-2010
+-- Place: Munich, Germany
+-- Species are N, O, N2, O2, NO, N+, O+, N2+, O2+, NO+, e-
+-- If NO_SPECIES == 5 then species are:
+--   N2, O2, N, O, NO
+-- If NO_SPECIES == 7 then species are:
+--   N2, O2, N, O, NO, NO+, e-
+-- Currently two schemes are available in this file using 
+-- the WITH_IONIZATION flag. If 'false' then the first
+-- 6 reactions are used. If 'true' the full 20 reactions
+-- are considered. If other schemes are required this can
+-- be configured in the same manner using the 
+-- 'select_reactions_by_label' function as demonstrated at
+-- the end of the file.
+if NO_SPECIES == 5 then
+-- We know that some of the species in the efficiencies list do NOT
+-- apply when we don't consider ionization.  We choose to suppress
+-- those warnings.
+-- Temperature limits.
+-- These temperature limits are used to limit the evaluation of
+-- the rate coefficients. Gupta et al give a vailidity range
+-- up to 30,000K, so it may not be wise to evaluate these
+-- rate coefficients for higher temperatures. Also, the
+-- rate values do get meaningless at very low temperatures.
+-- For this reason, we suggest the limits we set here.
+-- WARNING: We have experienced a flow solver/chemistry coupling
+-- issue for strong expansions when the lower limit is set too low.
+   temperature_limits = {lower=300.0, upper=30000.0}
+	'O2 + M <=> O + O + M',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=3.610e+18, n=-1.00, T_a=59400.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=3.010e+15, n=-0.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r1',
+	efficiencies={O2=9.0, N2=2.0, O=25.0, N=1.0, NO=1.0, 
+		['NO+']=0.0, ['O2+']=0.0, ['N2+']=0.0, ['O+']=0.0, ['N+']=0.0, ['e-']=0.0}
+-- The efficiency of N is set to 0.0 so that it does NOT
+-- participate in reaction r2.
+-- The dissociation of N2 due to collisions with N has
+-- a different reaction rate, and is included as the
+-- subsequent (r3) reaction entry.
+	'N2 + M <=> N + N + M',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.920e+17, n=-0.50, T_a=113100.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.090e+16, n=-0.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r2',
+	efficiencies={O2=1.0, N2=2.5, O=1.0, N=0.0, NO=1.0,
+		['NO+']=0.0, ['O2+']=0.0, ['N2+']=0.0, ['O+']=0.0, ['N+']=0.0, ['e-']=0.0}
+	'N2 + N <=> N + N + N',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=4.150e+22, n=-1.50, T_a=113100.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=2.320e+21, n=-1.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r3'
+	'NO + M <=> N + O + M',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=3.970e+20, n=-1.50, T_a=75600.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.010e+20, n=-1.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r4',
+	efficiencies={O2=1.0, N2=1.0, O=20.0, N=20.0, NO=20.0,
+		['NO+']=0.0, ['O2+']=0.0, ['N2+']=0.0, ['O+']=0.0, ['N+']=0.0, ['e-']=0.0}
+	'NO + O <=> O2 + N',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=3.180e+09, n=1.00, T_a=19700.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=9.630e+11, n=0.50, T_a=3600.0},
+	label='r5'
+	'N2 + O <=> NO + N',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=6.750e+13, n=0.00, T_a=37500.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.500e+13, n=0.00, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r6'
+	'N + O <=> NO+ + e-',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=9.030e+09, n=0.50, T_a=32400.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.800e+19, n=-1.00, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r7'
+	'O + e- <=> O+ + e- + e-',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=3.600e+31, n=-2.91, T_a=158000.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=2.200e+40, n=-4.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r8'
+	'N + e- <=> N+ + e- + e-',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.100e+32, n=-3.14, T_a=169000.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=2.200e+40, n=-4.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r9'
+	'O + O <=> O2+ + e-',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.600e+17, n=-0.98, T_a=80800.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=8.020e+21, n=-1.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r10'
+	'O + O2+ <=> O2 + O+',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=2.920e+18, n=-1.11, T_a=28000.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=7.800e+11, n=0.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r11'
+	'N2 + N+ <=> N + N2+',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=2.020e+11, n=0.81, T_a=13000.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=7.800e+11, n=0.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r12'
+	'N + N <=> N2+ + e-',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.400e+13, n=0.00, T_a=67800.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.500e+22, n=-1.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r13'
+	'O2 + N2 <=> NO + NO+ + e-',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.380e+20, n=-1.84, T_a=141000.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.000e+24, n=-2.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r14'
+	'NO + M <=> NO+ + e- + M',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=2.200e+15, n=-0.35, T_a=100800.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=2.200e+26, n=-2.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r15',
+	efficiencies={O2=4.0, N2=1.0, O=0.0, N=0.0, NO=0.0,
+		['NO+']=0.0, ['O2+']=0.0, ['N2+']=0.0, ['O+']=0.0, ['N+']=0.0, ['e-']=0.0}
+	'O + NO+ <=> NO + O+',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=3.630e+15, n=-0.60, T_a=50800.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.500e+13, n=0.00, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r16'
+	'N2 + O+ <=> O + N2+',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=3.400e+19, n=-2.0, T_a=23000.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=2.480e+19, n=-2.20, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r17'
+	'N + NO+ <=> NO + N+',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.000e+19, n=-0.93, T_a=61000.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=4.800e+14, n=0.00, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r18'
+	'O2 + NO+ <=> NO + O2+',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.800e+15, n=0.17, T_a=33000.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.800e+13, n=0.50, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r19'
+	'O + NO+ <=> O2 + N+',
+	fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.340e+13, n=0.31, T_a=77270.00},
+	br={'Arrhenius', A=1.000e+14, n=0.00, T_a=0.0},
+	label='r20'
+if NO_SPECIES == 5 then
+   select_reactions_by_label({'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6'})
+if NO_SPECIES == 7 then
+   select_reactions_by_label({'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6',
+			      'r7', 'r14', 'r15'})
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_2T_example/Park93-s03-PEIIC.lua	Fri Apr 27 18:00:21 2018 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+-- Park93-1T-5sp.lua
+-- Single temperature, neutral reactions from:
+-- Park, C.S. (1993)
+-- Review of Chemical-Kinetic problems of future NASA missions, II: Earth Entries
+-- JTHT Volume 7 Number 3 pp 385-398 July-Sept. 1993
+-- Author: Daniel F. Potter
+-- Date: 01-Dec-2009
+-- Place: UQ, Brisbane, Australia
+-- History: 
+--   01-Dec-2009: - Port from gas_models2 input file, correcting effeciencies
+--   02-Dec-2009: - Ion reactions
+--   07-Dec-2009: - Nonequilibrium rates
+scheme_t = {
+    update = "chemical kinetic ODE MC",
+    temperature_limits = {
+        lower = 20.0,
+        upper = 100000.0
+    },
+    error_tolerance = 0.000001
+-- Dissociation reactions
+   'N2 + M <=> N + N + M',
+   fr={'Park', A=7.0e21, n=-1.60, T_a=113200.0, p_name='N2', p_mode='vibration', s_p=0.3, q_name='N2', q_mode='translation'},
+   efficiencies={N2=1.0,N2_plus=1.0,O2=1.0,O2_plus=1.0,NO=1.0,NO_plus=1.0,N=4.2857,N_plus=4.2857,O=4.2857,O_plus=4.2857,e_minus=0.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'N2 + e- <=> N + N + e-',
+   fr={'Park', A=1.0e25, n=-1.60, T_a=113200.0, p_name='N2', p_mode='vibration', s_p=0.3, q_name='e_minus', q_mode='translation'},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=1}
+   'O2 + M <=> O + O + M',
+   fr={'Park', A=2.0e21, n=-1.5, T_a=59500.0, p_name='O2', p_mode='vibration', s_p=0.3, q_name='O2', q_mode='translation'},
+   efficiencies={N2=1.0,N2_plus=1.0,O2=1.0,O2_plus=1.0,NO=1.0,NO_plus=1.0,N=5.0,N_plus=5.0,O=5.0,O_plus=5.0,e_minus=0.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'NO + M <=> N + O + M',
+   fr={'Park', A=5.0e15, n=0.0, T_a=75500.0, p_name='NO', p_mode='vibration', s_p=0.3, q_name='NO', q_mode='translation'},
+   efficiencies={N2=1.0,N2_plus=1.0,O2=1.0,O2_plus=1.0,NO=1.0,NO_plus=1.0,N=20.0,N_plus=20.0,O=20.0,O_plus=20.0,e_minus=0.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+-- Neutral exchange reactions
+   'NO + O <=> O2 + N',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=8.4e12, n=0.0, T_a=19450.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'N2 + O <=> NO + N',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=6.4e17, n=-1.0, T_a=38400.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+-- Associative ionization reactions
+   'N + O <=> NO+ + e-',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=8.8e8, n=1.0, T_a=31900.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'O + O <=> O2+ + e-',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=7.1e2, n=2.7, T_a=80600.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'N + N <=> N2+ + e-',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=4.4e7, n=1.5, T_a=67500.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+-- Charge exchange reactions
+   'NO+ + O <=> N+ + O2',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.0e12, n=0.5, T_a=77200.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'N+ + N2 <=> N2+ + N',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.0e12, n=0.5, T_a=12200.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'O2+ + N <=> N+ + O2',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=8.7e13, n=0.14, T_a=28600.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'O+ + NO <=> N+ + O2',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=1.4e5, n=1.9, T_a=26600.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'O2+ + N2 <=> N2+ + O2',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=9.9e12, n=0.0, T_a=40700.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'O2+ + O <=> O+ + O2',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=4.0e12, n=-0.09, T_a=18000.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'NO+ + N <=> O+ + N2',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=3.4e13, n=-1.08, T_a=12800.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'NO+ + O2 <=> O2+ + NO',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=2.4e13,  n=0.41, T_a=32600.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'NO+ + O <=> O2+ + N',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=7.2e12,  n=0.29, T_a=48600.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'O+ + N2 <=> N2+ + O',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=9.1e11,  n=0.36, T_a=22800.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+   'NO+ + N <=> N2+ + O',
+   fr={'Arrhenius', A=7.2e13,  n=0.00, T_a=35500.0},
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=0}
+-- Electron-impact ionization reactions
+   'O + e- <=> O+ + e- + e-',
+   fr={'Park', A=3.9e33, n=-3.78, T_a=158500.0, p_name='e_minus', p_mode='translation', s_p=1.0, q_name='NA', q_mode='NA'},
+   chemistry_energy_coupling={ {species='e_minus', mode='translation', model='electron impact ionization', T_I=51720.0} },
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=1}
+   'N + e- <=> N+ + e- + e-',
+   fr={'Park', A=2.5e34, n=-3.82, T_a=168600.0, p_name='e_minus', p_mode='translation', s_p=1.0, q_name='NA', q_mode='NA'},
+   chemistry_energy_coupling={ {species='e_minus', mode='translation', model='electron impact ionization', T_I=48710.0} },
+   ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=1}
+-- Radiative recombination reactions [omitted]
+-- reaction{
+--     'O+ + e- <=> O',
+--     fr={'Park', A=1.07e11, n=-0.52, T_a=0.0, p_name='e_minus', p_mode='translation', s_p=1.0, q_name='NA', q_mode='NA'},
+--     ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=1}
+-- }
+-- reaction{
+--     'N+ + e- <=> N',
+--     fr={'Park', A=1.52e11, n=-0.48, T_a=0.0, p_name='e_minus', p_mode='translation', s_p=1.0, q_name='NA', q_mode='NA'},
+--     ec={model='from CEA curves',iT=1}
+-- }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_2T_example/air-VT-ET-ER.lua	Fri Apr 27 18:00:21 2018 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+scheme_t = {
+    update = "energy exchange ODE",
+    temperature_limits = {
+        lower = 20.0,
+        upper = 100000.0
+    },
+    error_tolerance = 0.000001
+ode_t = {
+    step_routine = 'rkf',
+    max_step_attempts = 4,
+    max_increase_factor = 1.15,
+    max_decrease_factor = 0.01,
+    decrease_factor = 0.333
+-- all VT exchange mechanisms identified by Park (1993)
+-- all ET exchange mechanisms from Gnoffo (1989)
+   'N2 ~~ ( N2, NO, O2, N, O ) : V-T',
+   rt={'Millikan-White:HTC', HTCS = { type = "Park", sigma_dash = 3.0e-17 } }
+   'NO ~~ ( N2, NO, O2, N, O ) : V-T',
+   rt={'Millikan-White:HTC', HTCS = { type = "Park", sigma_dash = 3.0e-17 } }
+   'O2 ~~ ( N2, NO, O2, N, O ) : V-T',
+   rt={'Millikan-White:HTC', HTCS = { type = "Park", sigma_dash = 3.0e-17 } }
+   'e- ~~ N+ : E-T',
+   rt={'Appleton-Bray:Ion'}
+   'e- ~~ O+ : E-T',
+   rt={'Appleton-Bray:Ion'}
+   'e- ~~ N : E-T',
+   rt={'Appleton-Bray:Neutral', sigma_coefficients = { 5.0e-20, 0.0, 0.0 } }
+   'e- ~~ O : E-T',
+   rt={'Appleton-Bray:Neutral', sigma_coefficients = { 1.2e-20, 1.7e-24,  -2.0e-29 } }
+   'e- ~~ N2 : E-T',
+   rt={'Appleton-Bray:Neutral', sigma_coefficients = { 7.5e-20, 5.5e-24, -1.0e-28 } }
+   'e- ~~ NO : E-T',
+   rt={'Appleton-Bray:Neutral', sigma_coefficients = { 1.0e-19, 0.0,      0.0 } }
+   'e- ~~ O2 : E-T',
+   rt={'Appleton-Bray:Neutral', sigma_coefficients = { 2.0e-20, 6.0e-24,  0.0 } }
+   'e- ~~ N2 : E-R',
+   rt={'Abe-ER:Neutral', sigma_coefficients = { 7.5e-20, 5.5e-24, -1.0e-28 }, g_rot=10.0 }
+   'e- ~~ NO : E-T',
+   rt={'Abe-ER:Neutral', sigma_coefficients = { 1.0e-19, 0.0,      0.0 }, g_rot=100.0 }
+   'e- ~~ O2 : E-T',
+   rt={'Abe-ER:Neutral', sigma_coefficients = { 2.0e-20, 6.0e-24,  0.0 }, g_rot=10.0 }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/poshax3/poshax_python/poshax_python_X2_air_2T_example/	Fri Apr 27 18:00:21 2018 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+This is a two temperature air example for the poshax_python program
+using some proposed X2 conditions.
+A one temperature version of this example is also available.
+Chris James ( - 27/04/18
+import sys, os, math
+sys.path.append(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/e3bin")) # installation directory
+sys.path.append("") # so that we can find user's scripts in current directory
+from poshax_python import poshax_python
+# these are freestream / nozzle exit conditions for a proposed X2 expansion tube condition
+# where we were trying to achieve a longer post shock relaxation condition
+title = "Steve Apirana's random condition" # title for the plots
+p_inf = 147.72 # Pa
+T_inf = 2242.5 # K
+u_inf = 9690.6 # m/s
+reactants = {'N2': 0.79, 'O2': 0.21}  # reactant dict for cea calc
+inputUnits = 'moles'  # for cea
+outputUnits = 'massf' # for poshax output...
+species_list = ['N2', 'N2_plus', 'NO', 'NO_plus', 'O2', 'O2_plus', 'N', 'N_plus', 'O', 'O_plus', 'e_minus']
+no_of_temperatures = 2
+# name of the .inp gas file which we will make...
+# and the .lua gas file which the gasfile program will make
+# don't add the .lua here as we have two different files to deal with here
+gas_model_file = 'air-11sp-2T'
+# these are both lua files so add the .lua
+# reaction file is always needed
+reaction_file = 'Park93-s03-PEIIC.lua'
+# energy exchange file is only needed for multiple temperatures
+energy_exchange_file = 'air-VT-ET-ER.lua'
+# cfg file is the file whcih we'll send to poshax to run the simulation
+cfg_file = 'cfg_file.cfg'
+# output_file is the result table with distance from the shock
+output_file = ''
+# simulation values for poshax
+source_term_coupling = 'loose'
+dx = 1.0e-16
+adaptive_dx = 'true'
+final_x = 5.0e-3
+plot = True
+save_figures = True
+log_x_axis = False
+plot_x_limits= [0.0,final_x*1.0e3] # mm
+poshax_python(p_inf=p_inf, T_inf=T_inf, u_inf=u_inf,
+              reactants=reactants, inputUnits=inputUnits, outputUnits=outputUnits,
+              species_list=species_list, no_of_temperatures=no_of_temperatures,
+              reaction_file=reaction_file, energy_exchange_file=energy_exchange_file,
+              gas_model_file=gas_model_file, cfg_file=cfg_file, output_file = output_file,
+              source_term_coupling=source_term_coupling, dx=dx, adaptive_dx=adaptive_dx,
+              final_x=final_x, plot=plot, save_figures=save_figures, title=title,
+              log_x_axis=log_x_axis, plot_x_limits=plot_x_limits)
\ No newline at end of file